ELECTRO HARMONIX 12AX7 ECC83 Twin Triode. One of the most popular 12AX7...
IN STOCK Genalex Gold Lion ECC82 / B749 / 12AU7 Reissue made in Russia...
MULLARD 12AX7 ECC83 - LONG PLATE These awesome MULLARD ECC83 re-issues...
EGM Audio Spade Plug – Copper Plated...
No supplier
G.E 5965 12AV7 Clear Top Twin Getter High Performance Twin Triode NEW OLD STOCK J.A.N made in U.S.A E180CC CV5843 equivalent
Audio Research LS15 Valve Set Set includes: Four - ELECTRO HARMONIX 6922
Audio Research LS7 Valve Set Set includes: Four - ELECTRO HARMONIX 6922
Audio Research SP12 Valve Set Set includes: Five - ELECTRO HARMONIX 6922
ELECTRO HARMONIX 12AU7 ECC82. One of the most popular 12AU7's on the market today, the Electro Harmonix 12AU7 delivers the goods in build quality, sound and consistency. A fine valve suitable for Hi Fi & Guitar amplifiers.
ELECTRO HARMONIX 12AX7 ECC83 Twin Triode. One of the most popular 12AX7 on the market today, the Electro Harmonix 12AX7 delivers the goods in build quality, sound and consistency. New production, made in Russia. A fine valve suitable for Hi Fi & Guitar amplifiers.
12BH7 EHX - A tough dual triode line driver. Dual post getter, nice shiny pins.
ELECTRO HARMONIX 12DW7 ECC832 TWIN TRIODE, DISSIMILAR. Heater 12.6 volts at .15 A or 6.3 volts at .3 A. Two different triode systems equivalent to one half 12AX7 and one half 12AU7. Intended as preamplifier and driver or phase splitter in audio amplifiers.
EHX 5U4-GB Fullwave Rectifier Speaking from experience, these quality valves sound good, are reliable and have good longevity. Great for HiFi and guitar applications. Similar to: 5AS4, 5U4, CV575, VT244, VU71, 5Z3P
ELECTRO HARMONIX 12AY7 6072A Medium gain Made in Russia. These test consistently triode - triode A fine valve suitable for Hi Fi & Guitar amplifiers
EHX ELECTRO HARMONIX 6922. Saratov, Russia manufacture. These are an upgrade for a lot of amplifiers that ship with "premium" tubes. Compatible with 6DJ8, 6N23P, 6N23P-EV.
EHX 6CA7 (Big bottle EL34) These are the best all round Valve for HiFi use Another great tube from Electro Harmonix, the 6CA7 is a bigger varient of the EL34 and is directly interchangeable These tubes are robust, have long life and are great in both Hi Fi and Guitar amplifiers **ORDER TWO FOR MATCHED PAIR MATCHED QUADS HERE